Skin and personal care and cleaning products are full of different chemicals and ingredients that are not familiar to us. Some of these ingredients might be effective but are not safe. When it comes to personal products for kids choosing the right ones aren’t hard at all and choosing BabyOrganix products is the best thing you can do in taking care of your baby. As parents, we must inspect carefully all the baby products we are buying for our precious ones from the ingredients to its effectiveness.
BabyOrganix offers organic baby products that are safe and effective. It contains powerful ingredients yet harmless for baby’s delicate skin. BabyOrganix prides itself in producing high quality and toxic-free baby products for ultimate baby care. We are free from harmful chemicals and ingredients such as paraben and phthalate, but what do paraben and phthalate really mean and do to our skin and body?
Phthalate and Paraben Free BabyOrganix
Aside from producing effective and trusted baby products, one of the things BabyOrganix brags and proud about is our products are phthalate and paraben free. It contains all natural ingredients preventing babies from having sickness and disease.
There are a lot of cosmetic and personal products containing well-known chemicals – phthalate and paraben – in which based on the recent studies might be linked to the development of cancer.
What are Phthalates and why they are dangerous?
Phthalates exist in almost all kinds of products particularly in beauty and personal care products including shampoo, nail polish, perfume, hairspray and such. Phthalates plasticize a substance to become more flexible and durable, they also exist in flexible plastics like toys.
Phthalates have been specified in different related studies about how phthalates can cause pregnancy loss and can cause or worsen asthma. These chemicals are well-known to be “hormone-mimicking chemicals” raising a concern about phthalates involvement in increasing the risk of breast cancer.
What are Parabens and why they are dangerous?
Parabens are chemical preservatives found in almost all, if not all, personal care products on the market today such as moisturizers, shampoos and conditioners, and many types of cosmetic products. These chemicals have been identified disrupting the function of the normal hormones of an individual.
Parabens are used as preservatives, blocking bacterial and mold growth to extend the life of makeup and personal care products. These chemicals are mentioned in several studies and they have found parabens in tissue samples of breast cancer tumors.
As parents, we have to be extra careful in choosing the products to use for our babies. We might found effective baby products in the market but not all are safe for our health, especially to baby’s health. BabyOrganix guarantees all the products are all natural, safe and phthalate and paraben free. Visit BabyOrganix and shop with us today!