One part of effective parenting is to monitor our children’s hygiene. It may be a difficult thing to do but we have to do it. Baby bottom needs to have special treatment when it comes to cleaning. Baby bottom care includes changing diapers, cleaning the buttocks and preventing rashes. Don’t know how to do them? Lucky you, BabyOrganix prepared parenting tips that can help you as parents take care of the baby bottom.
Parenting Tips on Taking Care of Baby Bottom
- Cleaning Baby Bottom
As parents, you must know the right procedure in cleaning baby bottom to avoid complications. Use lukewarm water and a clean towel to clean the bottom. Start off by cleaning towards the dirtiest area in order not to spread the dirt. Clean around the genitals first then the buttocks. Dry baby bottom after cleaning by gently patting, not rubbing the area. Leave it open in air for a few minutes to make sure that it is dry. Apply baby bottom cream before putting the diaper.
- Changing diaper
Keep the baby bottom clean and dry right before putting the diaper. Avoid keeping the diaper wet for too long because it could cause rashes on the bottom area. It is better to change the baby’s diaper often as soon as they are damp.
- Use baby skincare products
Be careful of choosing products like baby lotion, baby detergent, diaper and cream you will use for your baby. Always remember to check the label and the listed ingredients on the product. Know what the ingredients you should avoid and choose natural-based and chemical-free products. Also, avoid products with alcohol which are not good for sensitive skin.
- Treating rashes
Bottom rashes or diaper rashes are common problems in the baby’s bottom area. They are often caused by an allergic reaction to diaper or detergent used on baby clothes. One of the best treatments is to apply baby bottom soothing cream which is good for sensitive skin to soothe and comfort baby’s sensitive bottom. You could try changing the diaper brand or avoid tight diapers. Consult a doctor if the rashes get worse.
Other parenting tips about baby bottom care
- Choose the right diaper size for your baby
- Avoid tight clothing.
- Breast milk can be used as an alternative treatment to bottom rashes. It has a moisturizer that improves quick healing.
- Avoid using baby powder. They could inhale the baby powder and it may cause respiratory problems if it enters the lungs.
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