BabyOrganix | Cleaning Cloth Diaper for Busy Moms

babyorganix cleaning cloth diaper for busy moms

Here at BabyOrganix, it is very important to us to share awareness of the increased risk and concerns about toxic chemical exposure in babies and children, as is the environment. That’s why cloth diapers are a wise and sustainable choice for parents. 

Cloth diapers come in a range of styles and are much less expensive than disposable diapers. They are very popular among working and busy moms these days. Cloth diapers can require more effort, particularly if your baby is still a newborn, as you will need to allow extra more time to clean and sanitize these diapers. So in this article, we’ll talk about the benefits and how cleaning cloth diapers made easy for busy moms.

3 Benefits of Cloth Diapers

  1. Health Benefits of Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are a great choice, as they have a lower risk of acquiring health conditions. Disposable diapers can contain chemicals, regardless of how environmentally friendly they claim to be. According to the Real Diaper Association (RDA), disposable diapers normally contain toxic chemicals including:

  • Sodium polyacrylate – which is contained in the disposable diaper’s fluff layer, transforms the baby’s urine into a gel and can absorb 100 times its weight in liquid. This chemical has also been related to Toxic Shock Syndrome in tampons and serious diaper rash.
  • Dioxin – one of the most toxic and carcinogenic substances ever created and has been linked to birth defects, miscarriage, cancer, and genetic damage.
  • Tributyltin (TBT) – According to a study, TBT causes hormonal problems in both animals and humans.
  1. Environmental Benefits of Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers help to minimize waste to some extent. After all, you’re reusing them rather than throwing them away and adding them to the landfill with each diaper change. Cloth diapering is a sustainable choice if you want to have chemical-free and natural living. 

On the other hand, there are more than millions of disposable diapers thrown away every single day. According to a report, a single-use disposable diaper can take from around 200 to 500 years to decompose and may cause huge damage to our environment.

  1. Cloth Diapers Can Save You Money

There’s no doubt that diapering a baby can be costly. Parents go through about an average of 60 diapers a week and even more for newborns and young babies. Cloth diapers are a far more cost-effective choice than disposable diapers. This can be significant, particularly when you need to buy other essential supplies and it can be practical as you can even use these cloth diapers for your next child.

Cleaning Cloth Diapers with BabyOrganix O’Clean Liquid Laundry Detergent

Are you wondering how you’ll fit washing cloth diapers into your busy schedule? You might assume that cloth diapering requires endless laundry time. Fortunately, BabyOrganix made it easy for busy moms to wash cloth diapers and other loads of love with BabyOrganix O’Clean Liquid Laundry Detergent!

BabyOrganix O’ Clean Liquid Laundry Detergent is made with natural-based ingredients and does not contain harmful chemicals making it suitable for a baby’s delicate skin. This detergent can kill stubborn stains yet gentle to babies with eczema and sensitive skin. Cloth diapers and BabyOrganix’s organic baby products will save you even more money, reduce the environmental impact, and have peace of mind knowing exactly what is coming into contact with your baby. 

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