BabyOrganix | Scary Effects on Overusing Alcohol Hand Sanitizer

babyorganix scary effects on overusing alcohol hand sanitizer

As we continue combatting the COVID19 pandemic, we should also keep following the new normal practices for quite some time. To avoid further spread of the virus, we are all required to wear a mask, wash our hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer and maintain a […]

Silent Cancer-Causing Products by BabyOrganix

Silent Cancer Causing Products By Babyorganix

BabyOrganix is not only here to offer organic self-care products. We are also here to educate families on toxic products and how to make a complete shift into a home that is absolutely chemical-free. Living 100% chemical-free would not guarantee that you won’t get cancer, but this will impact how the treatment is treated and […]

BabyOrganix - The Power of Nature